id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-277128-g90hp8j7 Rajendran, Sukumar Accessing Covid19 Epidemic Outbreak in Tamilnadu and the Impact of Lockdown through Epidemiological Models and Dynamic systems 2020-09-17 .txt text/plain 2783 175 53 To determine the impact of lockdown and social distancing in Tamilnadu through epidemiological models in forecasting the "effective reproductive number" (R(0)) determining the significance in transmission rate in Tamilnadu after first Covid19 case confirmation on March 07, 2020. Utilizing web scraping techniques to extract data from different online sources to determine the probable transmission rate in Tamilnadu from the rest of the Indian states. The model utilizes population dynamics and conditional dependencies such as new cases, deaths, social distancing, and herd immunity over a stipulated timeperiod to simulate probable outcomes. The factors governing the spread are infectious agents, modes of transmission, susceptibility, and immunity (Chowell et al., 2006 The case fatality rate(CFR) is highly variable and increases with severe respiratory symptoms in adults with comorbid conditions . The mapping of transmission of covid19 is done through contact tracing, thereby isolating individuals infected by the epidemic at different epicentres of the society denoted by . ./cache/cord-277128-g90hp8j7.txt ./txt/cord-277128-g90hp8j7.txt