id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-311432-js84ruve Hossein Rashidi, T. Real-time time-series modelling for prediction of COVID-19 spread and intervention assessment 2020-04-29 .txt text/plain 4238 194 48 The classical Susceptible-[Exposed]-Infected-Recovered (SEIR/SIR) epidemic models [4] , have 15 been widely developed to simulate the transmission dynamics of COVID 19 [5, 6] and the impact of non-therapeutic interventions -e.g., travel and border restrictions [7, 8] , quarantines and isolations [5, [9] [10] [11] , or social distancing and closure of facilities-on the spread of the outbreak, and in some cases, on the healthcare demand [5, 9, [11] [12] [13] .These studies have been mostly focused on calibrating models for a specific country/region based on the data at the time 20 of the model-development and assuming a multitude of parameters initialized upon prior knowledge such as social contact structure, rate of compliance with the policy and incubation or infection period among others. ./cache/cord-311432-js84ruve.txt ./txt/cord-311432-js84ruve.txt