id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-313046-3g2us5zh Taghizadeh, L. Uncertainty Quantification in Epidemiological Models for COVID-19 Pandemic 2020-06-03 .txt text/plain 5180 355 55 We use an adaptive Markov-chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC) algorithm for the estimation of a posteriori probability distribution and confidence intervals for the unknown model parameters as well as for the reproduction number. In this work, we propose Bayesian inference for the analysis of the COVID-19 data in order to estimate the crucial unknown quantities of the pandemic models. We use an adaptive MCMC method to find the probability distributions and confidence intervals of the epidemiological models parameters using the Austrian infection data. In this section, we present simulation results of Bayesian inversion and the adaptive MCMC method (see Algorithm 1) for the two epidemic models, namely the logistic and the SIR models, using the data of the COVID-19 outbreak in Austria. According to Bayesian analysis, the unknown parameters of the logistic and SIR models using the data of COVID-19 outbreak in Austria were found and summarized in Table 1 and Table 3 , respectively. ./cache/cord-313046-3g2us5zh.txt ./txt/cord-313046-3g2us5zh.txt