id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-320141-892v3b7m Boshra, Mina 3D printing in critical care: a narrative review 2020-09-30 .txt text/plain 4532 240 46 Our search produced 31 papers that described possible uses of 3DP in critical care which can be divided into three main themes: Medical education (Med-Ed), patient care, and clinical equipment modification (CEM) ( Table 1) . This review shows that 3DP can have a variety of utilities in the field of critical care including medical education, patient care, and development of clinical equipment; however, Med-Ed takes the lead as the most common utility of 3DP with over 70% of the papers found discussing the use of 3DP models to train medical students and/or residents. This narrative review has summarized the major uses of 3DP in the field of critical care which were found to be mainly within the realms of medical education (e.g. simulation models and training modules), patient care (e.g. wound care and personalized splints), and clinical equipment modification (e.g. 3DP laryngoscope handle). ./cache/cord-320141-892v3b7m.txt ./txt/cord-320141-892v3b7m.txt