id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-324924-5f7b02yq Agarwal, A. A TRANSPARENT, OPEN-SOURCE SIRD MODEL FOR COVID19DEATH PROJECTIONS IN INDIA 2020-06-04 .txt text/plain 4425 267 64 . doi: medRxiv preprint Transparency: Since our model is based parameters well-documented in epidemiological theory, we can do a sanity check on the inferred values to see if they agree with what is known at this point of time. To estimate R we leverage open-source, real-time social distancing data published by Google [5] , which allows us to model various mitigation measures by just two parameters as described below. . doi: medRxiv preprint Table 1 : Raw and smooth social distancing data for three different regions from 15 Feb baseline day is the median value from the 5-week period Jan 3 -Feb 6, 2020. Across a row, we vary the number data points we fit the model on, and obtain projections for the remaining times and compare them to the actual death counts. ./cache/cord-324924-5f7b02yq.txt ./txt/cord-324924-5f7b02yq.txt