id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-326314-9ycht8gi Armstrong, Eve Identifying the measurements required to estimate rates of COVID-19 transmission, infection, and detection, using variational data assimilation 2020-11-02 .txt text/plain 5087 274 48 We demonstrate the ability of statistical data assimilation (SDA) to identify the measurements required for accurate state and parameter estimation in an epidemiological model for the novel coronavirus disease COVID-19. Second, given noiseless measurements, a temporal baseline of 101 days is sufficient for the SDA procedure to capture the general trends in the evolution of the model populations, the detection probabilities, and the time-varying transmission rate following the implementation of social distancing. Other avenues for expansion are as follows: 1) define additional model parameters as unknowns to be estimated, including the fraction of patients hospitalized, the fraction who enter critical care, and the various timescales governing the reaction equations; 2) impose various constraints regarding the unknown time-varying quantities, particularly transmission rate K i (t), and identifying which forms permit a solution consistent with measurements; 3) examine model sensitivity to the initial numbers within each population; 4) examine model sensitivity to the temporal frequency of data sampling. ./cache/cord-326314-9ycht8gi.txt ./txt/cord-326314-9ycht8gi.txt