id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-330714-hhvap8ts Shah, Kamal Fractal-Fractional Mathematical Model Addressing the Situation of Corona Virus in Pakistan 2020-11-12 .txt text/plain 4537 296 57 This work is the consideration of a fractal fractional mathematical model on the transmission and control of corona virus (COVID-19), in which the total population of an infected area is divided into susceptible, infected and recovered classes. For the last few decades, it is noted that arbitrary-order equations of differentiations (FDEs) and integrations (FIDEs) can be use for modeling real world problems by much better way than integer order ODEs, PDEs and IDEs. In the 1750s when "Reimann and Liouvilli", "Euler and Fourier" give interesting analytical results in integer order of differential and integral calculus. [33, 54, 55, 62] Let us take the continuous and differentiable mapping ℧(t) in (a, b) with 0 < r ≤ 1 order, then the fractal-arbitrary order derivative of ℧(t) in ABC form with fractional order 0 < ω ≤ 1 and the law of power is given as ./cache/cord-330714-hhvap8ts.txt ./txt/cord-330714-hhvap8ts.txt