id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-333919-nrd9ajj2 Albi, G. Relaxing lockdown measures in epidemic outbreaks using selective socio-economic containment with uncertainty 2020-05-16 .txt text/plain 7707 409 52 In this work, starting from a compartmental model with a social structure, we derive models with multiple feedback controls depending on the social activities that allow to assess the impact of a selective relaxation of the containment measures in the presence of uncertain data. The heterogeneity of the procedures used to carry out the disease positivity tests, the delays in recording and reporting the results, and the large percentage of asymptomatic patients (in varying percentages depending on the studies and the countries but estimated by WHO at an average of around 80% of cases) make the construction of predictive scenarios affected by high uncertainty [28, 33, 44] . We present different simulation scenarios for various countries where the epidemic wave is underway, including Germany, France, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States showing the effect of relaxing the lockdown measures in a selective way on the various social activities. ./cache/cord-333919-nrd9ajj2.txt ./txt/cord-333919-nrd9ajj2.txt