id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-352543-8il0dh58 Kuzdeuov, A. A Network-Based Stochastic Epidemic Simulator: Controlling COVID-19 with Region-Specific Policies 2020-05-06 .txt text/plain 6262 311 47 In this scenario, epidemiological models can be used to project the future course of the disease, and to estimate the impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) and related control measures that might be used to slow the contagion, and thereby provide time to enhance health care resources and develop effective immunological defenses such as new vaccines. We have developed and implemented a network-based stochastic epidemic simulator (leveraging our prior work [8] ) which models cities and regions as nodes in a graph, and the edges between nodes representing transit links of roads, railways, and air travel routes to model the mobility of inhabitants amongst cities. In each node, the simulator runs a compartmental Susceptible-Exposed-Infectious-Recovered (SEIR) model, such that individuals can cycle through the four stages based on state transition probabilities. ./cache/cord-352543-8il0dh58.txt ./txt/cord-352543-8il0dh58.txt