id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-034443-rptylxmw Morley, John E. COVID-19 — The Long Road to Recovery 2020-10-05 .txt text/plain 1789 124 45 Older persons who underwent lockdown with the COVID-19 pandemic are likely to have decreased their exercise and developed sarcopenia. In view of the multiple complications associated with "long Covid" it is essential that during recovery older persons are carefully followed by physicians and other health professionals. It is suggested that at discharge from hospital and at 3 months discharge from hospital all COVID-19 patients are screened for frailty with the FRAIL test (48) (49) (50) (51) , sarcopenia with the SARC-F (52-55), anorexia with the SNAQ (56, 57) and cognitive failure with the Rapid Cognitive Screen (RCS) (58) . The association between frailty and severe disease among COVID-19 patients aged over 60 years in China: A prospective cohort study Increased risk of acute stroke among patient with severe COVID-19: A multicenter study and meta-analysis Effects of exercise interventions on the functional status of acutely hospitalized older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis ./cache/cord-034443-rptylxmw.txt ./txt/cord-034443-rptylxmw.txt