id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-265655-s5c7r6ix Krendl, Anne C The Impact of Sheltering in Place During the COVID-19 Pandemic on Older Adults’ Social and Mental Well-Being 2020-08-11 .txt text/plain 3425 181 52 OBJECTIVES: We examined whether social isolation due to the COVID-19 shelter-in-place orders was associated with greater loneliness and depression for older adults, and, if so, whether declines in social engagement or relationship strength moderated that relationship. Because loneliness negatively affects older adults' mental and physical health Luo et al., 2012) , the current study examined whether subjective isolation (loneliness) increased under the shelter-in-place orders and, if so, whether this predicted increased depression. One possibility is that social engagement, notably spending less time with their personal social networks during the shelter-in-place orders, would exacerbate the relationship between loneliness and depression among older adults (Hypothesis 2a). To account for potential individual differences in depression, we examined a population of older adults who had completed measures of their personal social networks, mental health, and loneliness 6-9 months prior to the COVID-19 pandemic and again during the pandemic. ./cache/cord-265655-s5c7r6ix.txt ./txt/cord-265655-s5c7r6ix.txt