id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-278428-44ozhdb7 Gholami, Mohsen Fatigue Monitoring in Running Using Flexible Textile Wearable Sensors 2020-09-29 .txt text/plain 6180 299 53 This study uses flexible textile strain sensors to continuously monitor the kinematics during running and uses a machine learning approach to estimate the level of fatigue during running. This study highlights the potential of flexible textile strain sensors to objectively estimate the level of fatigue during running by detecting slight perturbations in lower extremity kinematics. Our aim was to estimate the level of fatigue (measured by Borg's RPE scale) during the course of a prolonged run based on the lower extremity kinematic information Sensors 2020, 20, 5573 3 of 11 provided by the flexible textile strain sensors. To better understand how changes in kinematics at different joints contribute to the overall estimation of fatigue, features from the sensors on the hip, knee, and ankle were individually fed into a random forest machine learning algorithm. ./cache/cord-278428-44ozhdb7.txt ./txt/cord-278428-44ozhdb7.txt