id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-018447-z4jyjczy D’Cruz, David P. Antiphospholipid (Hughes) Syndrome: An Overview 2006 .txt text/plain 5167 269 45 The Antiphospholipid Antibodies in Stroke Study (APASS) Group also found a prevalence of aCL in 4.3% of 257 hospitalized non-stroke patients with a mean age 66 [16] . In a meta-analysis, Wahl examined the risk of venous thromboembolism in aPL-positive patients without autoimmune disease or previous thrombosis. The largest prospective study of 1000 SLE patients showed that after 10 years of follow up there were 68 deaths of whom 18 (26.5%) died from thrombosis associated with aPL [7] . However, studies in patients without lupus who are aPL positive have shown increased carotid intima-media thickness associated with an increased risk of arterial thrombosis [38] . In general, there are no significant differences in the cardinal clinical features of APS, such as arterial or venous thrombosis or pregnancy morbidity, whether the syndrome is primary or secondary to an underlying connective tissue disorder [33, 50] . ./cache/cord-018447-z4jyjczy.txt ./txt/cord-018447-z4jyjczy.txt