id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-255197-79yfslu1 Soo, Chun Ian Telehealth: “virtual” lifeline for home-ventilated patients during the COVID-19 pandemic 2020-09-28 .txt text/plain 1155 63 38 title: Telehealth: "virtual" lifeline for home-ventilated patients during the COVID-19 pandemic Telehealth appears useful to fill in the void for home-ventilated patients to maintain the much-needed connectivity with their healthcare team during the #COVID19 pandemic The emergence of PAP devices also resulted in a higher number of patients requiring long-term medical care and ventilation. HMV support generally comprises a mobile healthcare team (HCT), which delivers services to the patient at their homes or long-term care facility. In contrast, telehealth is an umbrella term that encompasses telemedicine and the distribution of nonclinical services such as medical information and provider training [4] . Through information and communications technology, telehealth provides a network link to enable remote collaboration between the patient or their caregivers and HCTs, who are geographically separated. Technological advances in home non-invasive ventilation monitoring: reliability of data and effect on patient outcomes ./cache/cord-255197-79yfslu1.txt ./txt/cord-255197-79yfslu1.txt