id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-284188-ujdla954 Smith, Silas W. Virtual Urgent Care Quality and Safety in the Time of Coronavirus 2020-10-16 .txt text/plain 5905 353 50 To assess patient and provider data, systems effectiveness, and ability to provide care with and without admission to the ED, 17, 18 we identified the following variables from the cohort records: provider type, patient age, self-assigned gender, visit date, self-assigned race/ethnicity, 19 comorbidities, previous primary care visits (as an indirect marker of regular access to care), VUC return visits, ED referrals and spontaneous ED visits, ED and dispositions, intubations, and deaths following VUC visits. We evaluated and manually reviewed all patients identified for follow-up to assess outcomes including ED referral during follow-up screening call, hospital admission and course, presence or absence of ED referral on index VUC visit, mortality, and interval metrics. 17 While no direct comparators existed during the pandemic, when decision thresholds to present to the ED were multifactorial, to provide context for departments managing patients as outpatients, we evaluated similar outcomes of patients presenting for ED care who were discharged (not admitted) during the same time period. ./cache/cord-284188-ujdla954.txt ./txt/cord-284188-ujdla954.txt