id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-288790-5uzgenty Govil, Gaurav Rehabilitation of Arthroplasty Patient During Covid-19 2020-05-24 .txt text/plain 321 27 50 key: cord-288790-5uzgenty title: Rehabilitation of Arthroplasty Patient During Covid-19 cord_uid: 5uzgenty The established protocols were sidelined and patients asked to care on their own with dictum being "stay home and stay safe". The majority may respond well to the rehabilitation protocols adopted in pre-Covid era [4] . The induction of patient into an orthopaedic or arthroplasty programme should be a systematic team approach with the inclusion of established patient-specific home-based rehabilitation protocol. Plans that need consideration [3] are: Physical therapy will be even more crucial in the medium to long-term response to assist the orthopaedic and arthroplasty patient to regain optimal function and to help them return to their previous level of activities [3] . Management of orthopaedic patients during COVID-19 pandemic in India: A guide Orthopaedics in times of COVID 19 Total knee arthroplasty rehabilitation protocol: What makes the difference? ./cache/cord-288790-5uzgenty.txt ./txt/cord-288790-5uzgenty.txt