id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-295323-snrt9odv Yadav, Sandeep Kumar Creating Backup Management Resources for Spine Care during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic 2020-05-14 .txt text/plain 1137 60 46 Although the prevention and treatment of COVID 19 has become the priority for the majority of the population, most medical professionals are facing the challenge of balancing the management of this pandemic and treating patients with other diseases. Although the prevention and treatment of COVID 19 has become the priority for the majority of population, most medical professionals are facing the dilemma of balancing out essential healthcare for patients suffering from other diseases. Medical care personnel from all specialties are facing this situation and have established guidelines and recommendations that have contributed to the literature and are providing guidance for managing the pandemic. Thus, minimizing unnecessary patient visits, issuing preventive instructions to predisposed patients, ensuring the safety of the operative team, are maximizing the use of digital media for postoperative care surveillance are vital in the ongoing scenario. ./cache/cord-295323-snrt9odv.txt ./txt/cord-295323-snrt9odv.txt