id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-313239-0gl43af5 Moreno, Courtney C. CT colonography’s role in the COVID-19 pandemic: a safe(r), socially distanced total colon examination 2020-08-03 .txt text/plain 2821 134 43 Guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and directives from state officials resulted in the postponement of elective procedures including cancer screening at facilities to prevent community spread and to preserve the healthcare workforce, facilities, and personal protective equipment (PPE) for an anticipated surge of COVID-19 patients [2] . CT colonography (CTC) for colorectal cancer screening has typically been canceled and deferred to a later date during the initial COVID-19 surge as highlighted by an internal By comparison, optical colonoscopy utilizes more pieces of PPE as it requires more healthcare workers in close proximity to the patient for longer periods of time including the endoscopist and additional healthcare workers such as an anesthesiologist or nurse anesthetist to administer sedation and a nurse to provide procedural and post-procedural monitoring as the patient recovers from sedation. ./cache/cord-313239-0gl43af5.txt ./txt/cord-313239-0gl43af5.txt