id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-326752-45ckkv01 Barnett, Brian Keeping the wolf at bay: Infection prevention and control measures for inpatient psychiatric facilities in the time of COVID-19 2020-07-12 .txt text/plain 1250 71 39 title: Keeping the wolf at bay: Infection prevention and control measures for inpatient psychiatric facilities in the time of COVID-19 Current COVID-19 prevention and control efforts have been hampered by poor access to testing at many facilities, which delays the transfer of patients who develop symptoms after admission and eventually test positive. There are also anecdotal reports of sober homes and homeless shelters closing, as well as nursing homes and similar facilities refusing to accept new residents or allow current residents to return following a psychiatric hospitalization, due to concerns about these individuals seeding COVID-19 outbreaks in their facilities. For asymptomatic patients refusing testing, making an exception to allow for admission may be reasonable, since early peer reviewed [16, 17] and non-peer reviewed data [18, 19] J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f indicate COVID-19 prevalence is low among a variety of populations receiving hospital based care, particularly among patients not exhibiting symptoms consistent with infection [17, 18] . ./cache/cord-326752-45ckkv01.txt ./txt/cord-326752-45ckkv01.txt