id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-332233-01rdlf8l Tully, Thomas N. CHAPTER 12 MICE AND RATS 2009-12-31 .txt text/plain 12430 733 56 Mice can chew out of enclosures; therefore, it is important that the housing be "mouse proof." If an animal escapes, the best way to capture the pet is to place food in the center of the room. As with all diagnostic BOX 12-2 Retroorbital Blood Collection for Mice From procedures involving avian and exotic animals, an evaluation of the patient is required to determine its ability to withstand the stress associated with the assessment. Because most rodent diets are manufactured in the form of pellets or small biscuits that provide all recommended nutrients, there are few nutritional disease problems diagnosed in pet mice. 9 Premedication and sedation doses for mice and rats are listed in Surgical procedures that are performed on mouse patients require similar techniques to those used with larger animals. Because most rodent diets are manufactured in the form of pellets or small biscuits that provide all recommended nutrients, there are few nutritional disease problems diagnosed in pet rats. ./cache/cord-332233-01rdlf8l.txt ./txt/cord-332233-01rdlf8l.txt