id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-352193-izzqdg3v Allen, M. Organising outpatient dialysis services during the COVID-19 pandemic. A simulation and mathematical modelling study. 2020-04-27 .txt text/plain 4280 261 55 A second Monte-Carlo vehicle routing model estimated the feasibility of patient transport plans and relaxing the current policy of single COVID-19 patient transport to allow up to four infected patients at a time. Conclusions Discrete-event simulation simulation and Monte-Carlo vehicle routing model provides a useful method for stress-testing inpatient and outpatient clinical systems prior to peak COVID-19 workloads. At the peak of infection, it is predicted there will be up to 140 COVID-19 positive patients with 40 to 90 of these as inpatients, likely breaching current inpatient capacity (and possibly leading to a need for temporary movement of dialysis equipment). These include separation of COVID-positive and COVID-negative patients; dialysis units working with transport providers to minimise the risk of cross-infection; and continuing to treat patients as close to home as possible. The dialysis model runs through a defined period (e.g. one year) and simulates the progression of patients through phases of COVID infection: negative, positive (with some requiring inpatient care) and recovered or died. ./cache/cord-352193-izzqdg3v.txt ./txt/cord-352193-izzqdg3v.txt