id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-308767-trwa5grl Costa Vallés, Cristina Transgenic Organs and Xenotransplants 2012-03-20 .txt text/plain 6372 412 50 13 Subsequent studies showed survival times of up to 11 days for kidneys of alpha1,3-GT knockout pigs transplanted in baboons, meaning that the organs of these transgenic pigs were also protected against HAR, 14 as occurred in animals transgenic for human complement regulatory proteins. Thus, recipients dying after long survival times due to causes not associated with rejection DUH IRXQG WR KDYH [HQRJUDIWV ZLWK PLQLPDO RU QRQH[LVWHQW SDWKRORJLFDO ¿QGLQJV )RU this reason, although it is not possible to completely rule out an effect of clotting incompatibilities between pigs and humans, as we will see in the following section that looks at the physiological barriers between these species, the control of the response mediated by anti-nonGal antibodies has become the biggest challenge for clinical xenotransplantation. ./cache/cord-308767-trwa5grl.txt ./txt/cord-308767-trwa5grl.txt