id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-301128-woe6knpv Joyeux, Marc Requirements for DNA-bridging proteins to act as topological barriers of the bacterial genome 2020-08-12 .txt text/plain 4507 226 51 The results presented in this article reveal that the formation of DNA loops is by no means sufficient to create topologically independent domains and that DNA-bridging proteins must exert rather strong constraints on their binding sites in order to act as topological barriers: They must block the diffusion of the excess of twist through both binding sites and must additionally block the rotation of one DNA segment relative to the other one. We report below on our efforts to determine the minimal set of mandatory properties that allow molecular bridges to act as topological barriers and block the diffusion of torsional stress in out-of-equilibrium supercoiled chains. Since DNAbridging proteins form DNA loops by dynamically cross-linking widely separated DNA sites, the question amounts here to determine the constraints that must be imposed to beads α and β J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f to divide the circular DNA chain into two topologically independent loops. ./cache/cord-301128-woe6knpv.txt ./txt/cord-301128-woe6knpv.txt