id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-319609-y0gdjn64 Van Duyne, Rachel The identification of unique serum proteins of HIV-1 latently infected long-term non-progressor patients 2010-07-06 .txt text/plain 8544 356 47 In particular, the analysis of HIV-1 infected serum is an attractive medium with which to identify altered protein expression due to the ease and non-invasive methods of collecting samples as well as the corresponding insight into the in vivo interaction of the virus with infected cells/tissue. We have analyzed and compared serum samples from HIV-1 infected subjects who are being treated using highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) to those who are latently infected but have not progressed to AIDS despite the absence of treatment, i.e. long term non-progressors (LTNPs). In order to gain insight into the reason why p16 INK4A may be present preferentially in the serum of LTNP patients, we treated latently infected HIV-1 cell lines (J1.1 and U1) with exogenous purified GST-p16 INK4A Figure 4A depicts an RT assay which measures the viral reverse transcriptase activity of infected cells and is an indicator of functional particle production. ./cache/cord-319609-y0gdjn64.txt ./txt/cord-319609-y0gdjn64.txt