id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-005865-7lohh5ty Pipper, Juergen Catching bird flu in a droplet 2007-09-23 .txt text/plain 4167 207 52 Here we present a microfluidic platform that can detect the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5N1 in a throat swab sample by using magnetic forces to manipulate a free droplet containing superparamagnetic particles. Here we present a microfluidic platform that can detect the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5N1 in a throat swab sample by using magnetic forces to manipulate a free droplet containing superparamagnetic particles. Starting from a throat swab sample, we show how HPAI H5N1 can be detected by using magnetic forces to manipulate a free droplet containing superparamagnetic particles. (h) After SPE, the immobilized viral RNA is magnetically pulled out of the raw sample solution, washed four times to remove residual contaminants, and desorbed into an RT-PCR solution positioned on top of a miniaturized real-time thermocycler (see also Supplementary Fig. 1 ). ./cache/cord-005865-7lohh5ty.txt ./txt/cord-005865-7lohh5ty.txt