id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-007920-mh3tesdc Dhar, Arun K. Genomic Organization, Biology, and Diagnosis of Taura Syndrome Virus and Yellowhead Virus of Penaeid Shrimp 2004-11-11 .txt text/plain 19308 1000 52 The three most detrimental shrimp viruses are white spot syndrome virus (WSSV), yellowhead virus (YHV), and Taura syndrome virus (TSV), all of which have caused serious epizootics in various regions of Asia and are considered notifiable by the Office International de Epizooties (OIE, 2002) . The RNA helicase consensus sequence, Gx 4 GK, is present at ORF1 amino acid positions 752 to 758, and the TSV helicase domain shows significant similarity with the cognate domain of insect picorna-like viruses (Drosophila C virus, DCV; Rhophalosiphum padi virus, RhPV; Plautia stali intestinal virus, PSIV; black queen cell virus, BQCV; Triatoma virus of the fungus Triatoma infestans, TrV; and Himetobi P virus, HiPV). In addition to helicase, protease, and RdRp motifs, the TSV genome contains a short aa sequence at the N-terminal end of ORF1 (positions 166 to 230) that shows significant similarity with the inhibition of apoptosis (IAP) proteins found in mammals, yeast, insects, and some DNA viruses (Mari et al., 2002) . ./cache/cord-007920-mh3tesdc.txt ./txt/cord-007920-mh3tesdc.txt