id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-013854-wadpugbj Fratter, Carl EMQN best practice guidelines for genetic testing in dystrophinopathies 2020-05-18 .txt text/plain 12725 536 38 Since whole-exon deletions or duplications are the predominant type of pathogenic variant in the DMD gene (~78%; Table 1 ), an initial screen which detects the majority of these copy number variations (CNVs) should be the first diagnostic test offered (refer to Genetic testing strategy section and Fig. 1 ). In patients with an ascertained clinical diagnosis of dystrophinopathy but no CNVs or small variants identified, RNA-based methods offer a valuable tool with a high likelihood of being able to detect variants that escape detection using level 1 and 2 DNA approaches, such as complex rearrangements or deep intronic variants leading to pseudo-exon insertion or cryptic splice site recognition in the mature transcripts. If a pathogenic DMD variant is not identified by analysis for whole-exon deletions and duplications or after DMD gene sequencing, then in some cases alternative diagnoses should be considered, depending on the available clinical evidence and test results. ./cache/cord-013854-wadpugbj.txt ./txt/cord-013854-wadpugbj.txt