id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-320351-47d0nby0 Li, Zhouxiao The emerging landscape of circular RNAs in immunity: breakthroughs and challenges 2020-07-10 .txt text/plain 5971 339 39 Recently conducted researches indicated that circRNAs can be used as a miRNA sponge to inhibit targeted mRNA functions, showing interaction to RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) and translating proteins [9] . In contrast to the sensitive strains, the expression of 2909 circRNAs in A549 / Taxol was noticeably enriched and 8372 circRNAs were noticeably declined, demonstrating that abnormal cir-cRNA is likely to alter the occurrence of paclitaxel resistance [33] .Circ-PVT1 was found to facilitate paclitaxel resistance of gastric cancer cells by controlling ZEB1 expressing via the sponging process for miR-124-3p [34] . Lymphoblastic lymphoma [52] -T cell structure and degradation of circRNAs regulating PKR Activation in innate immunity circ-CDR1as B cell serving as the miR-7 "sponge" to increase expression of PTEN and restrain SLE [66] Other immune-related diseases circ_ 0057980 Circular RNA circ-PVT1 contributes to paclitaxel resistance of gastric cancer cells through the regulation of ZEB1 expression by sponging miR-124-3p ./cache/cord-320351-47d0nby0.txt ./txt/cord-320351-47d0nby0.txt