id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-351864-zozrj7w5 Chappleboim, A. ApharSeq: An Extraction-free Early-Pooling Protocol for Massively Multiplexed SARS-CoV-2 Detection 2020-08-13 .txt text/plain 5782 321 57 Most current tests for SARS-CoV-2 are based on RNA extraction followed by quantitative reverse-transcription PCR assays that involve a separate RNA extraction and qPCR reaction for each sample with a fixed cost and reaction time. Our workflow, ApharSeq, includes a fast and cheap RNA capture step, that is coupled to barcoding of individual samples, followed by sample-pooling prior to the reverse transcription, PCR and massively parallel sequencing. Briefly, we show ( Figure 1 ) that we can introduce barcoded and target-specific reverse transcription primers to the samples, allowing them to hybridize to target RNA molecules already in the lysis buffer, or after a brief RNA cleanup step. Observing the target sequence directly allowed us to identify viral sequence variations in some cases ( Figure 2D ).Cross-Sample Contamination is minimal When pooling samples early on in the protocol, the main concern is that RNA molecules will be erroneously tagged due to residual free primers, or due to other artifacts during RT, PCR, or sequencing. ./cache/cord-351864-zozrj7w5.txt ./txt/cord-351864-zozrj7w5.txt