id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-294291-tnsubtjr Baztan, Juan Facing climate injustices: community trust-building for climate services through Arts and Sciences narrative co-production 2020-10-22 .txt text/plain 9508 537 52 4 Key observations 4.1 On the process of linking a local event and our climate services centered inquiry The initial step of our co-production work focused on collecting narratives. This situation created a central question: how do we manage the different natures of the various processes at hand -celebrating Kerourien, preparing an art form, and identifying how local issues relate to climate issues within the context of climate service co-production? By engaging in the process of jointly creating an art form and gathering data while preparing an event with local significance, we managed develop trust and establish mutually beneficial relationships between Kerourien community members and the transdisciplinary research team, even leading to the co-production of climate services. ./cache/cord-294291-tnsubtjr.txt ./txt/cord-294291-tnsubtjr.txt