id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-292774-k1zr9yrg Haldule, Saloni Post-publication promotion in rheumatology: a survey focusing on social media 2020-09-13 .txt text/plain 3449 176 46 Thus, we aimed at studying the acceptance, opinion, and willingness to participate in the creation of online social media educative material among authors of published self-articles in scholarly journals. The e-survey was designed on an online cloud-based website (Survey Monkey ® .com) with the intent to cover different aspects of social media editing, such as willingness for social media promotions of (2), means of promotion (4), ethics (3), logistics (3), preference for article metrics, publication models and pre-print archiving (2), current knowledge/use of social media for these purposes (4). Over two-thirds (74) said they would like their publication promoted on social media, ResearchGate (70) being the most preferred platform, followed by Twitter (40), Facebook (37), WhatsApp (35), (27) , and LinkedIn (26) . To conclude, authors in rheumatology journal support the use of social media for promotions of published scholarly literature, although this does not translate into practice. ./cache/cord-292774-k1zr9yrg.txt ./txt/cord-292774-k1zr9yrg.txt