id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-278135-kvuti410 Benjin, Xu Developments, applications, and prospects of cryo‐electron microscopy 2019-12-26 .txt text/plain 6408 326 49 Blue corresponds to structures determined by X-ray crystallography, dark orange corresponds to structures determined by nuclear magnetic resonance, and gray corresponds to structures determined by electron microscopy and NMR, cryo-EM has the following advantages: (a) it does not need crystals; (b) it is suitable for proteins and their complexes of large molecular weight; (c) it reduces radiation damage and maintains the native activity and functional state of samples, including posttranslational modifications; (d) multiple different conformational states can be captured in one experiment; (e) it is suitable for the structural analysis of membrane proteins such as GPCR and their complexes; (f) when encountering some structures that cannot be resolved by conventional X-ray crystallography, cryo-EM is still the mainstream. ./cache/cord-278135-kvuti410.txt ./txt/cord-278135-kvuti410.txt