id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-340554-7cwp2xbw Yamasaki, Satoshi ToGo-WF: prediction of RNA tertiary structures and RNA–RNA/protein interactions using the KNIME workflow 2019-03-06 .txt text/plain 5373 313 51 The tertiary structure of RNA molecules and RNA–RNA/protein interaction sites are of increasing importance as potential targets for new medicines that treat a broad array of human diseases. In this report, we present a novel workflow to predict RNA tertiary structures and RNA–RNA/protein interactions using the KNIME environment, which enabled us to assemble a combination of RNA-related analytical tools and databases. The workflow, RNA Structure Prediction, at the top of Fig. 1 models the tertiary structure of the RNA target according to secondary structure information, which is based on the calculated results from CentroidFold [36] . Figure 2c , d show the predicted secondary and tertiary structures for the non-coding RNA (FR000373 of fRNAdb) calculated by the CentroidFold and Rascal nodes. The RNA-protein workflow is presented at the bottom of Fig. 1 and is used to predict the structure of a nucleic acid drug-target protein complex by molecular simulations. ./cache/cord-340554-7cwp2xbw.txt ./txt/cord-340554-7cwp2xbw.txt