id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-263549-hmdyb7hi DeWitt, Dawn E. Fighting COVID-19: Enabling Graduating Students to Start Internship Early at Their Own Medical School 2020-04-07 .txt text/plain 697 51 56 title: Fighting COVID-19: Enabling Graduating Students to Start Internship Early at Their Own Medical School This perspective proposes one way to ensure enough doctors, nurses, and pharmacists during the COVID-19 pandemic: Enable graduating students to start internship early at their own medical school. Many medical schools have a "capstone" course in the final weeks before graduation that prepares students for internship, with content geared toward meeting common patient care challenges. The United States could provide loan repayment or other federal payment programs for any senior students willing (and competent, as judged by their medical school) to begin early. The average U.S. medical student graduates with approximately $200 000 of debt (7), so generous repayment programs would be welcome-and fitting-with potentially less bureaucracy than officially hiring students through health care systems short term. Graduate medical education (GME) leaders would need to discuss potentially giving participating students "credit" toward residency completion. Accessed at www -medical-school-grads-bolster-workforce on 5 ./cache/cord-263549-hmdyb7hi.txt ./txt/cord-263549-hmdyb7hi.txt