id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-270214-5bjow148 Tan, Winson Jianhong Safe Colorectal Surgery in the COVID-19 Era – A Singapore Experience 2020-04-30 .txt text/plain 1834 119 50 In this article, we share our colorectal unit's workflow ( Fig. 1 ) and recommendations (Table 1) for safe practice in the COVID-19 era. Workflow for patients undergoing elective colorectal procedures in the COVID-19 era: Patients who have any travel history within 14 days, or has contact with any member of the public who is positive for COVID-19 or on home quarantine, or has new onset of flu-like symptoms will be advised on postponement of procedure. Unlike MIS, the exposure of the surgeon to smoke inhalation is likely higher in open surgery which raises the possibility of COVID-19 transmission. For COVID-19 cases, surgery is performed in a dedicated negative pressure OR. Secondly, the appropriate PPE in this era needs to be reviewed and perhaps all OR staff should be in N95 respirators for all colorectal procedures until there is more evidence regarding transmission risk during surgery. ./cache/cord-270214-5bjow148.txt ./txt/cord-270214-5bjow148.txt