id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-323592-ymvvexfi Botteri, Emanuele Current status on the adoption of high energy devices in Italy: An Italian Society for Endoscopic Surgery and New Technologies (SICE) national survey 2020-11-05 .txt text/plain 3561 206 52 For elective procedures, the survey included questions on thyroid surgery, lower and upper GI surgery, proctologic surgery, adrenal gland surgery, pancreatic and hepatobiliary surgery, cholecystectomy, abdominal wall surgery and breast surgery. The reported use of HED was high both in open and minimally-invasive upper and lower GI surgery. The Executive Board of SICE promoted a web-based survey to investigate how surgeons working in general surgery units across Italy currently use HED in daily clinical practice. The link to complete the questionnaire was also always available in the area of the SICE website (https ://sicei talia .com), a website dedicated to the dissemination of updates on scientific research regarding minimallyinvasive surgery and surgical innovations, mainly visited by surgeons with a particular interest in laparoscopic and minimally-invasive techniques. ./cache/cord-323592-ymvvexfi.txt ./txt/cord-323592-ymvvexfi.txt