id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-011871-hlykwius Himmler, Sebastian Willingness to pay for an early warning system for infectious diseases 2020-03-16 .txt text/plain 6974 319 49 As a first step to determine whether investing in such a system offers value for money, this study used contingent valuation to estimate people's willingness to pay for such an early warning system in six European countries. Overall, our results indicate that approximately 80–90% of people would be willing to pay for an increase in health safety in the form of an early warning system for infectious diseases and food-borne outbreaks. To estimate the WTP for an international integrated early warning system for infectious diseases and food-borne outbreaks, we conducted contingent valuation experiments utilising general population samples from six European countries: Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Italy, The Netherlands, and the UK. To estimate the value of an international integrated early warning system for infectious diseases and food-borne outbreaks aimed at increasing health safety, we developed a two-stage contingent valuation experiment. ./cache/cord-011871-hlykwius.txt ./txt/cord-011871-hlykwius.txt