id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-024343-mrri46oh Buldakov, Nikolay An Open Source Solution for Smart Contract-Based Parking Management 2020-05-05 .txt text/plain 5330 304 61 In order to tackle such issues, we propose a smart contract-based solution encapsulating sensitive information, agreements and processes into transparent and distributed smart contracts . In order to provide their land for parking, a landlord must first sign a contract with the administrator. The proposed solution presented in this paper aims to tackle the problems described above by using blockchain smart contracts. First of all, both driver and parking providers (landlords and tenants) require a safe, trustworthy way of conducting payments in such a way that both parties are guaranteed that the amount of funds transferred is equivalent to the provided service. A tenant can set its payment policy and it also stores the address of its contract with a parking lot. Only two transactions are required: to deploy the contract (by the car) and to claim the end of the payment period (by the parking lot). ./cache/cord-024343-mrri46oh.txt ./txt/cord-024343-mrri46oh.txt