id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-035127-we3lmrps Yoo, Geunsik Real-time information on air pollution and avoidance behavior: evidence from South Korea 2020-11-10 .txt text/plain 6539 331 57 Using data on attendance at professional baseball games in South Korea, this study investigates whether real-time information on particulate matter affects individuals' decisions to participate in outdoor activities. Regression models that include various fixed effects are used for the analysis, with the results showing that real-time alerts reduce the number of baseball game spectators by 7%, and that the size of the effect is not statistically different from that of air pollution forecasts. Therefore, this study analyzes whether realtime information about air pollution triggers avoidance behavior, based on data about air pollution levels and baseball game attendance in South Korea from 2012 to 2016. Given that the typical avoidance behavior in response to air pollution is to reduce one's outdoor activities, the reaction to real-time PM10 information is measured using the change in attendance at professional baseball games. ./cache/cord-035127-we3lmrps.txt ./txt/cord-035127-we3lmrps.txt