id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-265597-hiqqx1a2 Abdellatif, Amal It's OK not to be OK: Shared Reflections from two PhD Parents in a Time of Pandemic 2020-05-13 .txt text/plain 1867 122 60 title: It's OK not to be OK: Shared Reflections from two PhD Parents in a Time of Pandemic As two PhD students, we present shared reflections on our intersectional and divergent experiences of parenting and our attempts to protect our work and families during a pandemic. Through sharing, we both learned more about our intersectional identities and our efforts to act as protective shields for our families during this traumatic time. We present our reflective stories in three acts represented in a single day: morning, afternoon and evenings of April 10th, 2020 -'Good Friday' (additionally recorded as a shared time-log exercise). Yet, our diaries also reflect how our experiences diverge from the other identities we hold; gender, ethnicity, and co-parenting vs single parenting; all of which influenced our pandemic reality. At the same time, Amal reflected on her resistance through single-parenting to the cultural template of 'emphasised femininity' (Connell & Messerschmidt, 2005) . ./cache/cord-265597-hiqqx1a2.txt ./txt/cord-265597-hiqqx1a2.txt