key: cord-271436-h1xuhm1c authors: Schleider, Jessica L.; Dobias, Mallory L.; Mullarkey, Michael C.; Ollendick, Thomas title: Retiring, Rethinking, and Reconstructing the Norm of Once-Weekly Psychotherapy date: 2020-09-28 journal: Adm Policy Ment Health DOI: 10.1007/s10488-020-01090-7 sha: doc_id: 271436 cord_uid: h1xuhm1c nan quality assessment ensuring reliance of evidence-based approaches-remains the practical default. Given limited accessibility of, and significant dropout from, weekly outpatient therapy (suggesting that many are unable to access treatment as it is routinely provided), and the established efficacy of alternative treatment formats (suggesting that treatment may be redesigned to improve accessibility without sacrificing clinical utility), we assert that it is our field's ethical obligation to retire and rebuild the longstanding "default" to once-weekly outpatient services. 1 To be clear, we do not endorse eliminating weekly psychotherapy as an option for patients; many once-weekly, evidence-based treatments, if delivered as intended, may benefit patients greatly. However, repositioning evidencebased weekly therapy as one of many treatment options, and improving the availability of additional, diverse evidencebased service types, may strengthen the accessibility, flexibility, and potentially the effectiveness of mental health treatment overall. Psychotherapies need not be delivered in a once-weekly format to effect clinical improvement. One intensive outpatient treatment, involving four consecutive days of exposure and response prevention treatment, has substantially reduced OCD symptoms for adults up to 4 years later (Hansen et al. 2019; Kvale et al. 2018) and adolescents up to 6 months later (Riise et al. 2016 (Riise et al. , 2018 . Other trials indicate that an 8-day, 20-h treatment involving cognitive-behavioral techniquesincluding interoceptive exposures and psycho-educationcan reduce symptoms of specific phobia, social phobia, 1 In the present article, we focus our discussion on outpatient mental health services, given the numerous structural and practical differences between inpatient and outpatient mental health treatment options for individuals. As such, our discussion is centered on outpatient psychotherapy options, which collectively represent the majority of mental health services that individuals receive in their lifetimes. and GAD (Gallo et al. 2012) . Written-exposure therapy, an exposure-based treatment involving recalling, processing, and making meaning of past traumatic experiences via timed sessions of expressive personal writing, has produced clinically-significant reductions in PTSD after just 3-4 h of intervention-and is non-inferior, and carries lower dropoutrates (6% vs. 39%) than lengthier, evidence-based alternatives (e.g., Cognitive Processing Therapy; Thompson-Hollands et al. 2019) . Clearly, cookie-cutter treatment formats are unnecessary for meaningful therapeutic change. Indeed, large-scale trials and systematic reviews of treatments for anxiety disorders, depression, and behavior problems indicate that non-weekly interventions-from self-guided supports to brief, one-session treatments to concentrated, week-long interventions-can yield benefits approximately equivalent to once-weekly evidence-based psychotherapy, both for youths and adults (Beevers et al. 2017; Öst and Ollendick 2017; Stoll et al. 2020; Thompson-Hollands et al. 2019) . Breaking away from traditional delivery models may even carry advantages over once-weekly options. A metaregression including 70 psychotherapy trials found session frequency-rather than number of sessions or duration of therapy-was strongly associated with treatment efficacy for depression (Cuijpers et al. 2013) . Controlling for total number of sessions, treatment effect size was notably higher among twice-weekly treatments, versus once-weekly treatments (increase of g = .45). Higher session frequency in the first 3 months of treatment is associated with faster improvement and recovery (Tiemens et al. 2019) . Further, patients randomized to receive twice-weekly sessions experienced greater depression reductions than those offered onceweekly therapy (Bruijniks et al. 2020) . Thus, defaulting to once-weekly treatment may fail to optimize patients' clinical progress. Brief, evidence-based treatments, including some lasting just a few hours or a few days, can benefit many populations and problem types. Meta-analytic evidence suggests a single session intervention (SSI) can significantly improve anxiety, conduct problems, and substance use in youth (Schleider and Weisz 2017), and recent trials indicate that SSIs can reduce youth depression (Schleider and Weisz 2018; Schleider et al. 2019) . Evidence across 58 studies indicates interventions lasting < 5 min can have similar effects on young adults' problem drinking, versus multi-session interventions (Tanner-Smith and Lipsey 2015). Single-session, walk-in therapy is associated with symptom improvement in adults ages 18-80 and can reduce clinic wait-list length (Harper-Jaques and Foucault 2014). Still, even if patients can benefit from brief treatments, wouldn't more treatment be better? Some correlational work suggests receiving more sessions relates to greater symptom improvement (Hansen et al. 2002) , but this evidence is mixed (King 2015) . Indeed, correlational analyses cannot establish whether more treatment causes greater improvement. RCTs where patients are randomized to receive more versus fewer sessions for specific phobia (Öst et al. 1997) , panic disorder (Roberge et al. 2008) , insomnia (Edinger et al. 2007 ), PTSD (Deblinger et al. 2011) , and substance abuse (Covi et al. 2002) consistently find no evidence for longer treatments' clinical superiority. The assumption that "more treatment is better" is unsupported by gold-standard evidence. "Personalized" treatment refers to therapies that are tailored to an individual's specific presenting needs. A course of treatment may be "personalized" in multiple ways, including through matching individuals with particular therapies most likely to benefit them based on pre-treatment characteristics (e.g., symptom severity), or altering the course of treatment based on changing needs, problems, or preferences as therapy progresses. One concern around brief treatments and SSIs is that their brevity might preclude personalization to individual patients' needs. This concern is misguided for at least two reasons. First, many brief treatments are "problem-agnostic" by necessity (e.g., walk-in single session therapy): They are inherently designed to adapt to the patient's presenting problem as they understand it-not to a particular clinical diagnosis, which many therapy protocols are designed to target (Harper-Jaques and Foucault 2014; Schleider et al. 2020a, b) . Thus, many brief treatments may be easier to personalize than traditional, manualized treatments centering diagnostic-criteria. Second, psychotherapy may be personalized not just during the treatment, but prior to treatment, as well. Indeed, many treatment personalization attempts have involved "matching" particular patients with best-fit interventions before services begin (Cohen and DeRubeis 2018) . This personalization approach may be especially important with respect to the effectiveness and accessibility of mental health services, as patients routinely see 10+ outpatient providers before accessing treatment they perceive as helpful (Harris et al. 2020) . Given sufficiently-large samples, artificial intelligence could help identify precision treatment "rules" indicating which treatment is most likely to benefit particular patients (Bickman 2020) . Most traditional RCTs have too few participants to reliably identify precision treatment rules (Kessler et al. 2019) , but online SSI research may overcome this obstacle. In the previous year, our group has recruited over 900 youths for an open-label trial of SSIs ; 302 participants for an online RCT testing an SSI targeting parents experiencing anxiety (NLM, NCT04453865); and >500 adolescents for another online SSI RCT (NLM, NCT04498143). Large datasets aggregated across affordable, online SSI trials could be leveraged to develop precision-treatment "rules" with great statistical precision, and at a long-impossible rate, thus rapidly forwarding efforts to reduce psychopathology's public health burden (Kazdin 2019 ). Clearly, diverse cost-and time-efficient treatment structures-not just once-weekly psychotherapy-can yield meaningful clinical benefits for youths and adults. Treatment utilization patterns suggest that many clients cannot consistently access or complete weekly treatment involving months-long commitments; likewise, it is unrealistic to think this model would be preferable to individuals seeking high-quality care. However, major structural changes to our mental healthcare ecosystem are needed to broaden access to and awareness of diverse treatments. We offer the following recommendations as first-steps. Therapists should be trained to deliver treatment in varying formats and structures, and once weekly therapy should be identified as just one of many evidence-based treatment approaches. This will require a major revolution in training programs in clinical psychology and allied disciplines. Indeed, it may involve overhauling how we are willing to define "treatment" for psychological distress, and acknowledging that "treatment" can occur in a wide variety of settings, with or without a trained provider present, over an hour or many months, and within or beyond brick-andmortar clinic. This expanded understanding of "treatment" may create new roles and opportunities for mental healthcare providers, including flexible utilization of widely-varying forms of therapeutic client supports both in and out of traditional "sessions." It will also require sustained commitment to questioning longstanding assumptions about when, where, and how clinical progress may be achieved. The vast majority of treatment trials focus on weekly therapy sessions. However, a robust and growing body of literature has revealed that other brief, intensive and concentrated approaches can work equally well. It will be important that we personalize these approaches and determine for whom they are most effective. Insurance companies must provide flexible structures for supporting non-weekly psychotherapy-for instance, reimbursing by time spent in treatment regardless of frequency, intensity, or duration. It is most cost-effective to cover treatment that is efficient and that "works." There must be flexibility such that, if weekly therapy is needed for certain people-which it naturally will be-that will be coverable, too. The key is making therapy sufficiently accessible and flexible to meet all individuals' clinical needs. Just as with any mental health treatment, it is critically important to ensure that brief treatments and SSIs are monitored for quality-including their adherence to evidence-based models and practices. Without ensuring high-quality treatment content, diversifying the structure of available interventions will fail to reduce mental illness on a large scale. Brief, digital and self-help interventions are relatively straightforward to monitor for quality, as they are often standardized by design; quality assessment of therapist-delivered brief interventions must be supported via continued promotion of measurement-based approaches to treatment across disciplines (see Bickman 1996; Garland et al. 2010 , for further discussion on this topic). In sum, we do not endorse abandoning weekly therapy; rather we submit that it cannot ethically remain the "norm" or the sole format for the delivery of evidence-based treatments. Evidence supports the use of brief, intensive and concentrated treatments; they can be more efficient than longer treatments, more cost-effective, and more accessible (Ollendick et al. 2018a; . To some extent, psychological treatment provision is already being overhauled by the COVID-19 pandemic, including rapid normalization and expansion of telehealth and digital interventions. This moment presents a prime opportunity for our field to reconsider how psychological services can and should be structured-both regarding session frequency and what a "session" looks like, and deployment of brief, concentrated therapies without sacrificing personalization potential. Doing so could create more accessible, ethical, and effective treatment options for clients. When is psychotherapy brief? 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Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research The Bergen 4-day treatment for OCD: Four years followup of concentrated ERP in a clinical mental health setting The psychotherapy dose-response effect and its implications for treatment delivery services Walk-in single-session therapy: Client satisfaction and clinical outcomes Findings from world mental health surveys of the perceived helpfulness of treatment for patients with major depressive disorder Annual research review: Expanding mental health services through novel models of intervention delivery Machine learning methods for developing precision treatment rules with observational data Duration of psychotherapy has little association with outcome Successfully treating 90 patients with obsessive compulsive disorder in eight days: The Bergen 4-day treatment Engaging families in child mental health services Innovations in the psychosocial treatment of youth with anxiety disorders: Implications for a stepped care approach. Evidence-Based Mental Health Have phobias, will travel: Addressing one barrier to the delivery of an evidence-based treatment One versus five sessions of exposure in the treatment of flying phobia Brief, intensive and concentrated cognitive behavioral treatments for anxiety disorders in children: A systematic review and meta-analysis Concentrated exposure and response prevention for adolescents with obsessive-compulsive disorder: A replication study Concentrated exposure and response prevention for adolescents with obsessive-compulsive disorder: An effectiveness study Cognitive-behavioral treatment for panic disorder with agoraphobia a randomized, controlled trial and cost-effectiveness analysis Randomized trial of a single-session growth mind-set intervention for rural adolescents' internalizing and externalizing problems Future directions in single-session youth mental health interventions Acceptability and utility of an open-access, online single-session intervention platform for adolescent mental health Little treatments, promising effects? Meta-analysis of single-session interventions for youth psychiatric problems A single-session growth mindset intervention for adolescent anxiety and depression: Nine-month outcomes of a randomized trial Brief, non-pharmacological, interventions for pediatric anxiety: Meta-analysis and evidence base status Brief alcohol interventions for adolescents and young adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis Brief novel therapies for PTSD: Written exposure therapy Lower versus higher frequency of sessions in starting outpatient mental health care and the risk of a chronic course; a naturalistic cohort study What five decades of research tells us about the effects of youth psychological therapy: A multilevel meta-analysis and implications for science and practice Conflict of interest JLS receives grant and research support from the National Institutes of Health (DP5OD28123), the Klingenstein Third Generation Foundation, the American Psychological Foundation, the National Science Foundation, and Limbix, Inc. MLD receives research funding from the Psi Chi Honor Society. JLS, MLD, and MCM have co-written a forthcoming therapeutic workbook for adolescents, to be published by New Harbinger Publications. JLS is under contract with Oxford University Press to co-edit a book on low-intensity youth mental health interventions. JLS serves on the scientific advisory board for Walden Wise. The authors report no other financial conflicts.