id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-125817-5o12mbut Yu, Jingyuan Open access institutional and news media tweet dataset for COVID-19 social science research 2020-04-03 .txt text/plain 732 46 58 title: Open access institutional and news media tweet dataset for COVID-19 social science research On the past Ebola epidemic crisis, scholars found the importance of using Twitter data to do social science research [3] , [4] , many of them use this microblog data as social indicators to analyze the effect of epidemic outbreak on public concerns [5] , health information needs and health seeking behavior [6] , and public response to policy makers [7] etc. Current open access COVID-19 Twitter data were mainly collected by keywords, such as coronavirus, Covid-19 etc [8] , [9] , none of the them is dedicated to government/news media tweet collection. Given that our retrieval targets are policy makers and news source, we believe our dataset can provide scholars more valuable data to conduct social science research in related fields, such as crisis communication, public relation etc. ./cache/cord-125817-5o12mbut.txt ./txt/cord-125817-5o12mbut.txt