id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-278119-8k2j3kjv Kawchuk, Greg Misinformation about spinal manipulation and boosting immunity: an analysis of Twitter activity during the COVID-19 crisis 2020-06-09 .txt text/plain 4574 241 50 From these searches, we determined the magnitude and time course of Twitter activity then coded this activity into content that promoted or refuted a SMT/immunity link. In this descriptive study, we detail how Twitter activity can be used to not only document the magnitude and time course of misinformation describing a link between spinal manipulative therapy (SMT) and boosting immunity, but how social media activity promotes or refutes these claims. These data suggest that the majority of twitter activity regarding a SMT/immunity link is associated with the chiropractic profession with the total number of posts being roughly equal between those promoting and those refuting this link. Direct Twitter activity (posts, likes, retweets, engagement) was similar between tweets promoting and refuting a SMT/immunity link. ./cache/cord-278119-8k2j3kjv.txt ./txt/cord-278119-8k2j3kjv.txt