id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-281145-pxzsph5v Tekumalla, Ramya Social Media Mining Toolkit (SMMT) 2020-06-15 .txt text/plain 2389 118 55 When it comes to using Twitter data for drug identification and pharmacovigilance tasks, authors of works like [7] [8] [9] have been consistently releasing publicly available datasets, software tools, and complete Natural Language Processing (NLP) systems with their works. In an attempt to shift the biomedical community into better practices for research transparency and reproducibility, we introduce the Social Media Mining Toolkit (SMMT), a suite of tools aimed to encapsulate the cumbersome details of acquiring, preprocessing, annotating, and standardizing social media data. The need for a toolkit like SMMT arose from our work using Twitter data for the characterization of disease transmission during natural disasters [10] and mining large-scale repositories for drug usage related tweets for pharmacovigilance purposes [11] . After preprocessing the acquired social media data, researchers have the capabilities of standardizing their tweets' text with our set of tools. ./cache/cord-281145-pxzsph5v.txt ./txt/cord-281145-pxzsph5v.txt