id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-287703-1shbiee5 Santarone, Kristen Hashtags in healthcare: understanding Twitter hashtags and online engagement at the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma 2016–2019 meetings 2020-08-31 .txt text/plain 3084 192 48 The use of hashtags at medical conferences allows material to be discussed and improved on by the experts via online conversation on Twitter. CONCLUSION: Twitter #AAST 2016–2019 online engagement and interactions have declined during the last 4 years while impressions have grown steadily indicating potential widespread dissemination of trauma-related knowledge and evidence-based practices, and increased online utilization of conference material to trauma surgeons, residents and fellows, trauma scientists, other physicians and the lay public. Though tweets and retweets declined, impressions increased significantly from 2016 to 2019, from 5.8 million to 10 million (p<0.05), potentially indicating contents from AAST conference presentations were still being widely viewed and disseminated. Twitter #AAST 2016-2019 online engagement and interactions have declined during the last 4 years while impressions have grown steadily indicating potential widespread dissemination of trauma-related knowledge and evidence-based practices, and increased online utilization of conference material to trauma surgeons, fellows, residents, trauma scientists, other physicians and the lay public. ./cache/cord-287703-1shbiee5.txt ./txt/cord-287703-1shbiee5.txt