id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-347459-8ju196uu Nikolovska, Manja “Show this thread”: policing, disruption and mobilisation through Twitter. An analysis of UK law enforcement tweeting practices during the Covid-19 pandemic 2020-10-21 .txt text/plain 9390 442 52 Moreover, in terms of the impact of tweets, as measured by the rate at which they are retweeted, followers were more likely to 'spread the word' when the tweet was content-rich (discussed a crime specific matter and contained media), and account holders were themselves more active on Twitter. The analysis of 114,257 tweets and their metadata indicate that (a) most of the tweets focused on issues that were not specifically about crime; (b) during the time of crisis the stakeholders in question tended to increase their retweeting activity rather than creating original tweets; (c) the visibility of an account (number of followers and favouriting habits) and the richness of the content (discussing Covid-19, crime specific issues and including media such as images) were associated with the likelihood of messages spreading (both in terms of whether they were retweeted and the frequency with which this was so); (d) relative to the preceding 5 months, during the first 5 months of the pandemic tweets on Fraud, Cybercrime and Domestic abuse increased significantly. ./cache/cord-347459-8ju196uu.txt ./txt/cord-347459-8ju196uu.txt