id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-012419-tmcm4kxn Nakamura, Shingo Concentrated Bioshell Calcium Oxide (BiSCaO) Water Kills Pathogenic Microbes: Characterization and Activity 2020-06-30 .txt text/plain 5723 324 51 In vitro assays demonstrated that BiSCaO Water eliminated more than 99.9% of influenza A (H1N1) and Feline calicivirus, Escherichia coli such as NBRC 3972 and O-157:H7, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella, and Staphylococcus aureus within 15 min. We compared BiSCaO Water with the other microbicidal reagents such as ethanol, BiSCaO, BiSCa(OH)(2) suspensions, povidone iodine, NaClO, BiSCaO dispersion and colloidal dispersion with respect to deodorization activity and microbicidal efficacy. The microbicidal activities of BiSCaO and BiSCa(OH) 2 (suspension) and NaClO against TC and CF were intermediate between that of BiSCaO Water and povidone iodine, and no CFU were detectable following treatment with high concentrations of 0.8 wt% (final 0.4 wt%). The microbicidal activities of BiSCaO and BiSCa(OH) 2 (suspension) and NaClO against TC and CF were intermediate between that of BiSCaO Water and povidone iodine, and no CFU were detectable following treatment with high concentrations of 0.8 wt% (final 0.4 wt%). ./cache/cord-012419-tmcm4kxn.txt ./txt/cord-012419-tmcm4kxn.txt