id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-355993-vyyboega Mulvihill, Peter R. Disaster incubation, cumulative impacts and the urban/ex-urban/rural dynamic 2007-04-11 .txt text/plain 7823 329 41 To illustrate and discuss this potential of disaster research we give context Environmental Impact Assessment Review 27 (2007) 343 -358 and substance to our analysis by focusing on two case studies, the first involving water contamination/pollution problems in rural Ontario and the other focusing on the changing ecological and social landscapes of areas which surround the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). Although drinking water contamination problems tend to be associated with developing nationsthe World Health Organization notes that the leading cause of illness and deaths in most developing countries is attributable to gastrointestinal infections from the ingestion of water containing pathogens (Nadakavukaren, 2000) the Walkerton outbreak dramatically illustrates that the waterborne route of the disease may pose an equal, if not greater, threat to public health in the North American, and particularly, Canadian context. ./cache/cord-355993-vyyboega.txt ./txt/cord-355993-vyyboega.txt