id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-342185-2umby2l8 Cai, Qi The mental health of frontline and non-frontline medical workers during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak in China: a case-control study 2020-07-02 .txt text/plain 4037 207 48 title: The mental health of frontline and non-frontline medical workers during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak in China: a case-control study RESULTS: Frontline medical workers had higher rates of any mental problem (52.6% vs 34.0%, adjusted OR=1.88, 95% CI=1.57-2.25), anxiety symptoms (15.7% vs 7.4%, adjusted OR=1.95, 95% CI=1.46-2.61), depressed mood (marginally insignificant; 14.3% vs 10.1%, adjusted OR=1.32, 95% CI=0.99-1.76) and insomnia (47.8% vs 29.1%, adjusted OR=1.96, 95% CI=1.63-2.36) than non-frontline medical workers. The present study attempted to compare the immediate psychological impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on frontline and non-frontline medical workers in China. The mental health status of medical workers presented in the current study prompts the need for appropriate measures and timely treatment for COVID-19-related psychological problems. The present study highlighted the mental health problems and unmet needs of medical workers during the COVID-19 epidemic in China, especially among frontline medical workers. ./cache/cord-342185-2umby2l8.txt ./txt/cord-342185-2umby2l8.txt