When your internal narrative makes it hard to lead: Addressing Impostor Phenomenon of library leadership
Friday, April 12, 2019 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Room: Room 26B
What do you do when you know you can lead, but your internal narrative tells you otherwise? This is not a unique occurrence among emerging leaders in academia, in fact it has a name, Impostor Phenomenon (IP). IP has been identified in leadership of higher education although rarely address in academic libraries. This paper will focus on sharing survey results of current library leaders and how they identify and change their internal narrative to become confident and competent leaders.

Session Format
Contributed Paper
Primary Tag
Learning outcomes
Identify Impostor Phenomenon and how it impacts emerging leaders
Get useful tips on change your internal narrative, or flip the script, by focusing on strengths
Adopt a positive leader outlook and leadership style
Type of audience
People brand new to the topic.
People with some experience in the topic, but looking to grow.
Elizabeth Martin
Mies Martin